Monday, April 01, 2013

EUR / JPY Update: 01/04/13 11:45 hrs


As you know I was short on this pair from 121.55 on Wednesday 27th March 2013

Price made a nice move down by 30 pips allowing me to move the stop to break even.
Price then made a new low and the trade was in profit by over 1%.
Price then pulled back allowing the possibility of an add in position.
However I had decided that I would not let a winning position turn into a losing position and held the stop loss at the entry, allowing a free trade to develop.

I was stopped at break even on Wednesday 27th March by 0.2 pip with a chart high of 121.512

If I had been a little more courageous and held the stop loss through the pull back at the original location of 121.95, I would have this morning writing to report that the 5% target had been hit.

Chart below:

All of this is hindsight, and doesn't pay the bills.
A little unlucky but still no cigar for me.
I will post again whgen the next strategy trade deevelops.

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